We have a great program lined up for 2019. Let's welcome the following leading experts on blockchains.

Jonathan Katz
Fractal Platform
Director, Maryland Cybersecurity Center
Professor, Department of Computer Science and UMIACS
University of Maryland
Website: https://www.cs.umd.edu/~jkatz/
Jonathan Katz is a professor of computer science at the University of Maryland, and director of the Maryland Cybersecurity Center. He is also the chief scientist and co-founder of Fractal Platform, a new blockchain startup project.
Katz is a co-author of the widely used textbook "Introduction to Modern Cryptography" now in its second edition, as well as a monograph on digital signature schemes. He has served as the program chair for the annual Crypto conference as well as the ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security, and as a member of the steering committee for the IEEE Cybersecurity Initiative and the State of Maryland Cybersecurity Council. He currently serves as an editor for the Journal of Cryptology.
Katz is a recipient of a Humboldt Research Award as well as the University of Maryland Distinguished Scholar-Teacher award. He was recently named an IACR Fellow.
Dr. Bingsheng Zhang is the programme director of Msc. Cyber security and security group leader at Lancaster University.
Dr. Zhang specializes in cryptography and cyber security. He has published over 50 papers in peer-reviewed security/cryptography conferences and journals, including the world’s leading ones, such as EUROCRYPT, ASIACRYPT, ACM CCS, NDSS, PKC, ICDCS, FC, PODC, IEEE Security & Privacy, IEEE Trans. Mob. Comput., and IEEE Trans. Inf. Forensics Security, etc. In the recent years, his research efforts mainly focus on secure computing, verifiable electronic voting (e-voting) and blockchain security.
He is currently running several projects with EPSRC and PETRAS grants on blockchain security and e-voting security. Meanwhile, he is collaborating with many blockchain technology companies, including Blockchain Institute, Ergo Platform, and IOHK.

Sherman S. M. Chow
Associate Professor, Department of Information Engineering
Chinese University of Hong Kong
Sherman S. M. Chow received his Ph.D. from New York University under the supervision of Yevgeniy Dodis and Victor Shoup. He was a research fellow with the University of Waterloo, worked with Alfred Menezes and David Jao.
His main interests are in cryptography with publications in AsiaCrypt, CCS, EuroCrypt, ITCS, NDSS, and Usenix Security. He served on the program committee of AsiaCrypt in a consecutive of six years, and 180+ other conferences including CCS, Crypto, ESORICS, Financial Crypt., ICDCS, Infocom, PKC, and TheWeb, and as a program co-chair of ICDM-BlockSEA, CANS, AsiaCCS-SCC, ISC, and ProvSec. He serves as an editor for the IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security (TIFS), the top journal in "Computer Security & Cryptography" according to Google Scholar Metrics, in 2015-19.
He is a recipient of the Early Career Award from the Hong Kong Research Grants Council. He is a European Alliance for Innovation (EAI) Fellow (2019, inaugural), and named as one of the 100 Most Influential Scholars (Security and Privacy, 2018) by ArnetMiner (AMiner). In 2019-20, he will be offering "Advanced topics in Blockchain" in CUHK, which is a one-of-its-kind graduate-level course in Hong Kong discussing cutting-edge research.

Hong-Sheng Zhou
Fractal Platform
Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science
Virginia Commonwealth University
Website: http://www.people.vcu.edu/~hszhou/
Hong-Sheng Zhou is an associate professor at Virginia Commonwealth University. He is also a scientist and co-founder of Fractal Platform, a new blockchain startup project.
Zhou received his Ph.D. from University of Connecticut under Aggelos Kiayias, and was a postdoctoral researcher at University of Maryland under Jonathan Katz. Zhou is working on multiple directions in cryptography including blockchain technologies, secure computing, and extreme cryptography against strong leakage, tampering, kleptographic and quantum attacks. He has published a number of papers in top cryptography and distributed computing conferences, such as CRYPTO, EUROCRYPT, ACM CCS, and PODC, and in Journal of Cryptology. Zhou’s research has been funded by NSF and multiple industry awards.
Zhou is a recipient of a Google Faculty Research award, and an NSF Computing Innovation Fellowship.

Duncan Wongu
Founder and CEO, CryptoBLK
Website: https://www.linkedin.com/in/duncan-wong-89b69b20/?originalSubdomain=hk
Dr. Duncan Wong is the Founder and CEO of CryptoBLK, a technology company focusing on developing, deploying and operating Blockchain software solutions. CryptoBLK is specializing in developing trade finance, insurance, cryptocurrency, and asset management DLT platforms. CryptoBLK also specializes in cryptographic technologies and developing DLT systems which support hybrid deployment on both cloud and on-premises.
Before founding CryptoBLK, Dr. Wong was the Vice President in charge of the Financial Technologies (FinTech) Initiative at the largest R&D Center in Hong Kong, the Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute (ASTRI). Dr. Wong has also been a professor at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, then tenured at the City University of Hong Kong. Dr. Wong has authored over 200 academic publications in Cryptography and Information Security.

Yajin Zhou
Professor, The College of Computer Science and Technology and the Institute of Cyberspace Research
Zhejiang University
Website: https://yajin.org/
Yajin Zhou is a ZJU100 Young Professor (since 2018), with both the College of Computer Science and Technology and the Institute of Cyberspace Research at Zhejiang University, China. He earned his Ph.D. (2015) in Computer Science from North Carolina State University, and then worked as a senior security researcher at Qihoo 360. He was a Research Fellow at City University of Hong Kong in 2017.
He has published more than 20 papers in prestigious security conferences, including CCS, S&P, USENIX Security and NDSS, and received three best paper awards. According to Google scholar, his work has been cited more than 5500 times. Two of his papers have been selected as most-cited security papers since 1981.His research mainly focuses on identifying real-world threats (how to hack) and building practical solutions (how to defend), in the context of software security of embedded systems (or IoT devices) and blockchain.

Tsz Hon Yuen
Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science
The University of Hong Kong
Website: https://thyuen.github.io/
Dr Tsz Hon Yuen is an assistant professor in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Hong Kong. Before joining the University of Hong Kong, he was a senior researcher of Shield Lab at Huawei Singapore Research Centre. He received his Ph.D. degree from the University of Wollongong in 2010 and worked as a post-doctoral fellow in the University of Hong Kong before joining Huawei.
His current research interests include cryptography (such as public key encryption, digital signatures, identity-based encryption), privacy-preserving protocols (such as anonymous credential, zero-knowledge proof system) and blockchain (such as confidential transactions).

Cong Wang
Deputy Director, Centre for Decentralized Trust Computing
Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science
City University of Hong Kong
Dr. Cong Wang is an Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science, City University of Hong Kong.
His research interests include data and computation outsourcing security in the context of cloud computing, blockchain and decentralized application, network security in emerging Internet architecture, multimedia security, and privacy-enhancing technologies in the context of big data and IoT. He is one of the Founding Members of the Young Academy of Sciences of Hong Kong. He received the Outstanding Supervisor Award in 2017 and the President's Awards from City University of Hong Kong in 2016. He is a co-recipient of the Best Student Paper Award of IEEE ICDCS 2017, the Best Paper Award of IEEE ICPADS 2018, MSN 2015 and CHINACOM 2009. His research has been supported by multiple government research fund agencies, including National Natural Science Foundation of China, Hong Kong Research Grants Council, and Hong Kong Innovation and Technology Commission.
He serves/has served as associate editor for IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, IEEE Internet of Things Journal and IEEE Networking Letters, and TPC co-chairs for a number of IEEE conferences/workshops. He is a senior member of the IEEE, and member of the ACM.